I'm not going to make this post about my feelings toward the conventional approach cancer patients are subjected to. But I will be firm about what you should do.
Remember you are ultimately in charge of your health. Not the doctor. Not your family or friends. YOU! You need to make the decision for YOU. Because you have to live with the disease. It's happening in your body. Not the doctor's. Not your spouse's. Not your friend's. YOU!
1. Don't Panic
The doctor will insist you need to get treatment started right away. They will role out the conveyer belt in front of you and urge you to jump on. Enjoy the ride!
Don't panic. It took many years for the tumor/cancer to develop. You have time to make an informed decision after you consider the remaining tips.
2. Get a Second Opinion
The doctors may balk at you getting another opinion, but remember, this is about YOU. Search out other treatment centers. Do your homework. Which brings up #3...
3. Educate Yourself
There is a vast sea of research and information out there for you to explore. Get on the web and start googling.
I learned everything I could about my defective gene. Did you know the majority of genes in your DNA are exclusively for repairing things that go bad during cell division (i.e., DNA replication). Realizing that process is happening right now as you're reading this post, I hope you begin to understand how cancer might develop.
This process will help you make peace with your cancer. After all, the cancer growing in you is YOU. Your body. A symptom in your body that is sounding an alarm: "Something is wrong!"
Please take this seriously, you are in charge of your health and YOU can affect your heath with changes in lifestyle choices. People do it every day.
4. Live Life to the Fullest
I've heard it said that health is 100% diet and 100% mental. You can change your health by changing what you eat. Equally important is what you think about yourself and others, stress you're under—your overall attitude. If your'e a negative person, then you need to make some changes. Negativity breeds ill health. Here are 3 studies that show how your thoughts can make you sick.
Slow down. Take time to pamper yourself. Count your blessings—of course there are things you can be thankful for. Live your life to the fullest every day.
Shortly after my cancer diagnosis, my husband took me to Paris, fullfilling a promise he made to me years earlier while on a business trip there. We enjoyed only 5 days in Paris, but we made the most of it. That trip is still one of the best trips I've taken—living life to the fullest.
5. Change Your Diet
When I started my diet changes I hoped to stop the possibility of cancer growing in my colon. Some thought I was extreme and wondered why—some were even mean. But I didn't care what they thought. I wanted to make my body healthy and not allow cancer to grow. Create an environment in my body that could NOT sustain cancer. Yup.
After succeeding, I discovered what happened to me was an example of epigenetics. No matter what my genes said, I could control my gene expression (good or bad) by my environment—what I chose to eat and drink, think, or be exposed to.
So where do you start with changing your diet? Begin by eliminating processed food loaded with dead food, chemicals and sugar. Sugar has been added to everything. "Nom, nom!" said the cancer cell—makes me grow big and strong! Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes. Drink lots of purified water. If your body needs animal proteins, stick with wild-caught or strictly grass-fed with no hormones or antibiotics. I eat eggs from chickens eating what they forage as they free-range or fed organic food.
Don't make it complicated.
Please take this seriously, you are in charge of your health and YOU can affect your heath with changes in lifestyle choices. People do it every day.
4. Live Life to the Fullest
I've heard it said that health is 100% diet and 100% mental. You can change your health by changing what you eat. Equally important is what you think about yourself and others, stress you're under—your overall attitude. If your'e a negative person, then you need to make some changes. Negativity breeds ill health. Here are 3 studies that show how your thoughts can make you sick.
Slow down. Take time to pamper yourself. Count your blessings—of course there are things you can be thankful for. Live your life to the fullest every day.
Shortly after my cancer diagnosis, my husband took me to Paris, fullfilling a promise he made to me years earlier while on a business trip there. We enjoyed only 5 days in Paris, but we made the most of it. That trip is still one of the best trips I've taken—living life to the fullest.
5. Change Your Diet
When I started my diet changes I hoped to stop the possibility of cancer growing in my colon. Some thought I was extreme and wondered why—some were even mean. But I didn't care what they thought. I wanted to make my body healthy and not allow cancer to grow. Create an environment in my body that could NOT sustain cancer. Yup.
After succeeding, I discovered what happened to me was an example of epigenetics. No matter what my genes said, I could control my gene expression (good or bad) by my environment—what I chose to eat and drink, think, or be exposed to.
So where do you start with changing your diet? Begin by eliminating processed food loaded with dead food, chemicals and sugar. Sugar has been added to everything. "Nom, nom!" said the cancer cell—makes me grow big and strong! Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes. Drink lots of purified water. If your body needs animal proteins, stick with wild-caught or strictly grass-fed with no hormones or antibiotics. I eat eggs from chickens eating what they forage as they free-range or fed organic food.
Don't make it complicated.
6. Beware!
I think when doctors get their medical degree they lose their ability to think critically. They are trained to focus on assessing the symptoms in order to apply an appropriate diagnosis, which can then be used to prescribe a medication. So when they tell you diet will not affect your cancer, they are not thinking.
Really? The cancer can be healed with a drug, but not food? So (you might ask) the reason you have cancer is because you haven't taken the right drugs?
Here's another tool to add to your toolbox so you might get a fair shake and make it out alive if you get a cancer diagnosis. Click below to get a FREE guide from Chris Wark (fellow cancer conquerer) on what you should ask your oncologist.
Please pass his on to anyone you know who is facing cancer. I'm sure you know several since cancer has become a pandemic in this country. Remember when you didn't know anybody who had cancer? I'm old enough to remember.
I think when doctors get their medical degree they lose their ability to think critically. They are trained to focus on assessing the symptoms in order to apply an appropriate diagnosis, which can then be used to prescribe a medication. So when they tell you diet will not affect your cancer, they are not thinking.
Really? The cancer can be healed with a drug, but not food? So (you might ask) the reason you have cancer is because you haven't taken the right drugs?
Here's another tool to add to your toolbox so you might get a fair shake and make it out alive if you get a cancer diagnosis. Click below to get a FREE guide from Chris Wark (fellow cancer conquerer) on what you should ask your oncologist.
Please pass his on to anyone you know who is facing cancer. I'm sure you know several since cancer has become a pandemic in this country. Remember when you didn't know anybody who had cancer? I'm old enough to remember.

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