At this point I've given you my take on how to be healthy, specifically how to avoid cancer and even heal from cancer even if you have a genetic predisposition as I have.
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This is a very passionate subject for me. My heart aches when I see so many take the medical route, which I believe is harmful. I have seen too many take that route and now are dead.
You know I'm passionate about the connection between disease and diet. I've been accused of being judgmental about one's lifestyle (of eating unhealthy stuff) without even opening my mouth. Oh... excuse me. I did open my mouth... and put in whole, clean, plant-based foods that heal my body and keep me from having cancer. Noodle that one.
What's in the Future
So dear readers, here is what to expect going forward. I hope you approve.
I may be posting less recipes. It is hugely time consuming to do recipes—that's why not many cancer related sites do them. I thought it would be unique to have recipes to support healing cancer, but it actually adds too much stress to my life. Ewww! Sorry, I'm kinda driven and it is my own self-driving nature that added the stress—not you, dear reader. Anyway... you know that stress is not good for health.
Also, rather than giving you the "fish," I'm going to teach you how to "fish." That's right you are being kicked out of the nest to learn to fly. Sorry... can't help myself with all the metaphors. I'm going to connect you to websites and webinars that will teach you about healthy lifestyle changes.
Hopefully you'll start googling more to dig deeper (as I do). Frankly, you'll learn a lot more than I can pass on to you. There is a lot of really great stuff, websites and webinars (all free if you take the time) out there for you to devour and learn. Soon you will find what you learned has become second nature and you can pass on some knowledge to others. That's how we are going to overcome this virtual blackout on the cure to cancer.
Cancer Is You
Remember, cancer and disease is your body telling you something is wrong. It's not saying you need to get a diagnosis from the doctor so he/she can give you a drug that masks the symptoms.
For example, chemotherapy kills! It kills every cell in your body... just not all at once. It seriously damages your immune system (which you need to heal). It also kills the tumor cells... BUT does not kill the circulating cancer cells and cancer stem cells, which are looking for the next place to grow a tumor.Cancer is US! That's right! It is not a battle to be won where you deliver every piece of artillery in the arsenal until you decimate the enemy. Oh wait... the artillery was aimed at you. Oh no!
You cannot ignore the immune system and treat cancer with poison to the body. It is really the immune system that will heal the cancer. But without boosting the immune system so it can tackle the cancer, the patient will likely not make it.
Tune in to learn more and get acquainted with some powerful sources of knowledge in the alternative cancer treatment arena. Subscribe to get updates

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